10,000 Tablets --- Free Tablets

 10,000 Tablets --- Free Tablets and 5-year internet for qualifying individuals

I received a call from Noelia Ortega (with PDX Forward) to pay my initial (one-time-only) fee of $10.01 to start the Tablet Program. Noelia works through a program called 'Sano Connect' and assured me that folks could call her directly to request a tablet and the 5-year internet connectivity through Verizon. My understanding is that 'Sano Connect' consolidates all the services, registration of the device, application for and application of the ACP (Affordable Connection Plan) i.e., part of the build back better funding for 5-years free internet connection. My tablet was at my door on Saturday, the 15th of October, 2022. Whoo HOOOOO!!!

Noelia said it would be ok to refer folks who qualify by SNAP, WIC, Low Income, etc.

Noelia Ortega’s number is: 503-310-5398

Tablet is a Samsung 8" Model: SM-T378V with built-in phone number and comes to you by FedEx completely setup and ready to use!


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